
There’s an old saying in Washington that a “gaffe” is when a politician inadvertently tells the truth. Well that’s what President Obama inadvertently did last week.

He was talking with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and didn’t realize that there was an open mic on, recording everything he said. Obama told Medvedev to tell Vladamir Putin (the real power in Russia) that on American “missile defense, it was important for him (Putin) to give me (Obama) some space… After my election, I’ll have more flexibility.”

By “flexibility” on missile defense, you could substitute one of the following words: capitulation, surrender, submission, or sellout.

In essence, Obama was signaling to the Russian leadership, that if they’d just cut him some slack until after the November election, he’d do what he’s inclined to do – give up our missile defense, of which he’s never been a big fan anyway.

But he doesn’t want the American people to know this. It’s okay for one of the chief underminers of U.S. foreign policy goals around the globe, Russia, to know what he plans, but not the American people.

Examples of the Russians undermining the U.S. are legion: for example, obstructing and even vetoing sanctions on Iran and Syria; aiding and abetting the building of Iran’s nuclear reactor; providing arms to Bashar Assad as he continues to massacre his own people; and continuing to flood the Russian airways with over-the-top anti-American propaganda.

And despite all of this, Obama apparently intends to cave in to Russian wishes, and weaken or even eliminate our anti-missile defense shield (such as it is.) I guess it shouldn’t be all that surprising. Obama and his unilateral missile disarmament and blame-America-first supporters have been chomping at the bit to disarm America for years. They really don’t trust American power.

It’s revealing, and quite frightening, how different Barack Obama’s intentions actually are from what he tells the American people. In this case, he assures Americans that he’s looking out for their defense, while secretly informing the Russians he intends to sell us out after the election.

And who can forget how Candidate Obama (when he didn’t realize he was being recorded) derisively described people like you and me who live in the Midwest as being bitter, and clinging to our “guns and religion” or our hatred for “people who aren’t like us.”

The really scary thing is – what else does he have planned that he isn’t telling us, if he wins a second term?

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